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July Meetup: Photos & Video

From: Anica
Sent on: Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 11:19 PM

Wowza, Pug-lympics 2015 was a HIT! Thank you for coming out and joining the grumble. We officially took over the Zoom Room agility gym with over 95 pugs!

Below is a link to the photos from Saturday:

Many of you may have already seen the teaser clip on Instagram, but without further ado, here is our FULL LENGTH July meetup video:

If you would like to share this video on social media, hover your computer mouse over the paper airplane icon on the right hand corner of the video, and then click "share".

Also, if you're on Instagram, please hashtag #lapugmeetup or tag @lapugmeetup for any photos from Saturday's meet -- I love to see everyone's photos! :)

See you all next month!
- Anica (Jonpaul & Stella the pug too!)

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