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Start You Up Bootcamp

From: Steve W.
Sent on: Monday, April 1, 2013, 1:14 PM

Prior to May's Startup Weekend there is an event to nurture budding entrepreneurs: Start You Up Bootcamp, on April 20th.

Since this does not describe a lot of programmers -- many prefer a weekend of hacking on a kernel driver or learning the ins-and-outs of some novel new framework -- I'm not creating an LVDev meetup per se for this event.

Start You Up Bootcamp is being staged by the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce. Description:

Have an idea to create the next startup phenomenon but don't know where to start?

Sign up for the first Start You Up Bootcamp at Work in Progress on April 20, from 1-5 p.m. Whether you're a business person, designer or developer, Start You Up Bootcamp will get you from startup idea to startup ready in just four hours.

The bootcamp is designed to give you the tools you need so you can take the first steps in building your startup. When you're done with Start You Up you'll be prepared for Startup Weekend Las Vegas on May 3, so you can build your startup in just 54 hours!

Even if you don't plan on going to Startup Weekend, Start You Up Bootcamp is a great way to learn how to build a startup using the Lean Startup methodology.


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