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Re: [spirituality-62] NEED RESPONSES: 10/30/11 Samhain Celebration

From: Katherine W.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 25, 2011, 11:26 AM
We would love to attend.  There will be six of us in the group.  We will be happy to bring a couple of food items to contribute.  Would someone be able to tell us where Bob Baskin Park is?  Thanks.  

-----Original Message-----
From: *Night* <[address removed]>
To: spirituality-62-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Oct 23,[masked]:19 pm
Subject: [spirituality-62] NEED RESPONSES: 10/30/11 Samhain Celebration

Hello Everyone!
At our last meetup we decided we would do our Samhain Celebration on Sunday 10/30/11 at 7pm at our usual meetup location (in the back at Bob Baskin Park).  We are planning on doing a version of a Dumb Supper where we will honor our ancestors...although we decided for only a moment of silence instead of the whole meal as traditional during a Dumb Supper.  It will be a pot luck where everyone needs to bring something to contribute...whether it is food, drink or supplies (plates, cups, plasticware, etc.).  If you cannot (or don't want to) bring something, we ask for a small monetary donation to cover the extra that the organizers have to pay for.
Now here's the part where we need you to respond...  we need to know who is attending so that way we know how much food, drink and supplies we need to bring.  We need your responses by WEDNESDAY 10/26/11.  Those who do not respond by then will be assumed that you will not be attending.  You are welcome to RSVP for guests, but they should be prepared to contribute also or you must contribute for them.  If you know what you would like to bring, feel free to mention it when you RSVP.  We will email everyone again on Thursday and begin to solidify what everyone will be bringing and how many people will be attending.
Thanks everyone...this should be a fun time for all!  And just a reminder, we do have open polls on the group....check them out!
Night & The Asst. Organizers

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To learn more about *Night*, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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