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Funi@Islington Folk Club

From: Andy P.
Sent on: Monday, May 31, 2010, 1:14 PM
Hello everyone

I'm continuing our tour of northern European folk music. We've experienced Norway and Sweeden, and now we move to Icelend for Funi. A unique opportunity to hear the music from this mysterious island.

Funi (an old Icelandic word meaning Fire) are B?ra Gr?msd?ttir and Chris Foster, consummate performers of the traditional songs the northern European countries of Iceland and England. They accompany their songs using the two rare traditional Icelandic instruments the Langspil and the ?slensk fi?la (Icelandic Fidla) as well as the more familiar Guitar and Kantele.The mediaeval histories and languages of their two native countries are linked by the fantastic exploits of the Vikings, who colonised a large part of Britain, settled Iceland in the late 9th century.

Chris and B?ra interpret the narrative traditional songs of England and Iceland with sublime artistry. B?ra?s crystal clear voice and Chris? exemplary instrumental work are a stunning combination. The music of FUNI has the power to occupy the consciousness of an audience long after the last note from voice or guitar has been performed. Chris Ridley, Cornwal Folk Directory, England

Some of you may have been to the excellent Islington Folk Club before. The standard of the floor spots is always very high and it's a nice intimate upstairs room.

Admission ?7. Tickets on door.

Hope to see some of you there.


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