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Help our members for finding next role

From: Preety A.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 6, 2016, 8:54 PM

Hi Members

We have few members looking for next contract role in the market.I have put a post on Linked In about them.It will be great if you guys can refer them any roles.If you can like or share this post to your Linked In Contacts it will be really great on your side.I guess it should help them to find next roles so if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to reach me.

Here is the Link :

Apart from this I request to connect our members with me on Linked In so you can be well informed for our events.Please feel free to send a request on "[address removed]" .Here is the link to my Linked In Profile.


Harry Ahuja

UpComing Events :

How to perform well in Java Pair Programming Coding Sessions

(19th Apr)

“HOW CONTRACTORS PAY LESS TAX!” Thu Apr 21 ProgSCon London Fri Apr 22 Firefox OS for IoT Tue Apr 26


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