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Call for ideas: JAX London Community Night

From: Barry C.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 10:49 AM
Hey guys,

I have been speaking with the organisers of JAX London and they have asked if there is anyone we would especially like to speak at the LJC Community Night at JAX. 

I thought I would open this up to the community to see if there was any strong preference. It would obviously be good to get a speaker that we don't get to hear from often, perhaps one from overseas, here just for the conference. What do you guys think? 

If anyone has any strong preference please let me know or email me directly on [address removed]

Barry | [address removed] | LinkedIn | Skype barrycranford | [masked] |
| Office [masked] |  Fax: [masked] | 

If you like what we do please tweet about it. Just use the hashtag #recworksreco

RecWorks Ltd  |  Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. [masked] 

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