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Re: [ljc] When to adopt Java 8

From: Russel W.
Sent on: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 5:28 PM
On Sat,[masked] at 09:38 -0500, Martijn Verburg wrote:
> Running Eclipse with the G1 collector did improve things out of the box for
> me, I got less annoying pauses with thr m2e plugin in particular (I still
> have to play around with tuning parameters). But, like anything with GC, it
> really depends on the Object allocation rate and size of objects being
> generated. For example, I have a *ton* of projects that I ad-hocly
> contribute to (scaring the living daylights out of many project owners ;p),
> so when I start Eclipse it gets hit pretty hard as it loads up lots of
> classes, frameworks, plugins and so on. That's a high object allocation
> rate of lots of variably sized objects, a GC's worst nightmare. However,
> when I code, I'm *slow*, so I don't tend to tax Eclipse too heavily once
> I'm up and running compared to a real dev :-).

I've been running Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans on JDK8 for a while.
They remain very slow. I am still not convinced they offer anything
truly beneficial over using Emacs — or Vim for those who cannot bring
themselves to use the One True Editor — and Bash (or you shell of

Dr Russel Winder      t: [masked]   voip: sip:[address removed]
41 Buckmaster Road    m: [masked]   xmpp: [address removed]
London SW11 1EN, UK   w:  skype: russel_winder

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