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Re: [ljc] When to adopt Java 8

From: Francesco la T.
Sent on: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 3:33 PM

I got some "inspirations" from this, hope it can help _somehow_ :


On 8 March[masked]:38, Martijn Verburg <[address removed]> wrote:
Running Eclipse with the G1 collector did improve things out of the box for me, I got less annoying pauses with thr m2e plugin in particular (I still have to play around with tuning parameters). But, like anything with GC, it really depends on the Object allocation rate and size of objects being generated. For example, I have a *ton* of projects that I ad-hocly contribute to (scaring the living daylights out of many project owners ;p), so when I start Eclipse it gets hit pretty hard as it loads up lots of classes, frameworks, plugins and so on. That's a high object allocation rate of lots of variably sized objects, a GC's worst nightmare. However, when I code, I'm *slow*, so I don't tend to tax Eclipse too heavily once I'm up and running compared to a real dev :-).



On 8 March[masked]:07, Bruno Medeiros <[address removed]> wrote:

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Martijn Verburg <[address removed]> wrote:

* The G1 Garbage Collector is certainly worth taking for a spin with regards to having less pauses in your application
* There are a host of small performance and under the hood improvements in Java 8. *generally* speaking, many apps will get a speed boost out of the box (usual caveats apply)

Sounds promising. Any idea if these performance improvements will have a noticeable impact in desktop applications, like Eclipse in particular?

Bruno Medeiros

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