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Re: [ljc] Job ads vs Job vids

From: user 8.
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2014, 1:39 PM
On 07/03/14 14:00, andrew wrote:
I've always found it very insulting that developers are advertised to with "free cake! free pizza!", which, on me, has the  double hit of
  1. we think devs are fat slobs who like unhealthy food
  2. we won't pay you very well, but will offset that partially by giving you free unhealthy food

Both of which overall imply a deep disrespect for developers.
  Then again, if that *is* the kind of culture they've got - low pay, unhealthy devs - then the free cake angle is a winner, because you're going to be targeting people who, for some odd reason, like being unhealthy and low paid.

Once a recruiter was selling me the advantages of working for a certain very big and very known/respected company and holding their badge on my chest. Everything was wonderful, except that they were not paying well.

Then I responded saying that holding their badge on my chest would not pay the bill at the supermarket checkout... I'm sorry!

Richard Gomes
mobile: [masked]
inum: [masked]
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