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New Meetup: Annual Thanksgiving Ceremony & Vegetarian Potluck Dinner November 21, 2010

From: LOTUS S.
Sent on: Monday, November 1, 2010, 11:52 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Broward Lotus Sangha Zen Buddhist Group!

What: Annual Thanksgiving Ceremony & Vegetarian Potluck Dinner November 21, 2010

When: Sunday, November 21,[masked]:30 PM

Where: BLS
7185 Pembroke Road (Corner of 72nd Ave. & Pembroke Road-Across from North Perry Airport)
Pembroke Pines-Hollywood-Miramar, FL 33023

The Broward Lotus Sangha will be meeting today to offer thanks for all the blessings received throughout this year. We will enjoy mindfulness meditation practice In the Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh as well as a Thanksgiving Ceremony and Vegetarian Potluck Dinner.

From 6:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
At 7185 Pembroke Road, Pembroke Pines, FL 33023

It would be advisable to arrive by 6:25 p.m. in order to give yourself a chance to place your contribution to the Thanksgiving Potluck on the table and settle in before our evening services commence.

Please bring a vegetarian dish or dessert, healthy teas, finger foods or snacks to share with the Sangha, and your own non-disposable cup, plate, napking, and eating utensils to be kind to the Earth Mother. FOR MORE INFO SEE BELOW. We hope to see you there.

The Broward Lotus Sangha
invites you to our
Annual Thanksgiving Ceremony
Vegetarian Potluck Dinner

For directions, please click here

Beginning at 6:30 PM, we will enjoy sitting and walking meditation, followed by guided meditations and rituals to acknowledge our gratitude for all the blessings we have received throughout this year. These rituals are done with the intention of acknowledging interbeing, our connection to all that is, and to express our gratitude to the myriad benefactors in our lives.

Feel free to bring something that denotes "Gratitude" for you. It can be an item or offering(s) of gratitude to place in the altar or something to share with the Sangha or with Sangha members such as a poem, short reading, song, or even your favorite treat. Artwork and musical instruments are also welcome.

After the ceremony, we invite you and your significant others to join us for tea and other non-alcoholic beverages, a healthy vegetarian potluck dinner and warm fellowship. Please remember to bring whatever utensils are needed to cut and serve your particular dish. In order to be kind to the Earth Mother, please also bring your own non-disposable teacup, plate and utensils. You may also wish to bring your favorite sitting arrangement.

For more information about us and detailed directions, please visit

smile Come Sit and Give Thanks With Us!

Peace is Every Step

Broward Lotus Sangha

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