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Looking for 50+ People to Participate in a Flash Mob Marriage Proposal

From: user 2.
Sent on: Monday, September 5, 2011, 10:23 PM
If you dont know what a flash mob is, go to youtube and look up "Flash mob proposal"

My girlfriend of 5 years will be coming back home from a trip in Europe and I want to surprise her with a flash mob proposal.

Date: September 9th or 10th (You will be notified via email/text. This depends on her flight)
Time: Around 7pm or 8pm (Again, you will be notified at a later time in the week)
Where: Not sure yet. A mall with easy access and centrally located to be fair to all attending.

The Plan - What You Will Do
The idea is for my girlfriend and I to be at the mall. I will coordinate with the mall to play our song over the loudspeaker at
which time you, and many other participants, will begin walking up to us, each handing her a rose before I propose to her.
I may have someone count off to 3 after the last rose has been given and I am on my knee for everyone to shout "Veronica
Will You Marry Me!".

After the event we can all hit up Buffalo Wild Wings and socialize.

If you are interested, email me at [address removed].

Feel free to leave your cell number so I can text you about the event. Otherwise I will just email you.

If you cant not participate but think someone you know might want to, please mention something on your Facebook!

Thank you

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