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I can't wait! We start in just three weeks! - Metro West Law of Attraction newsletter

From: Ann I.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 5:05 PM
Happy day to you!

Mark and I have been leading this meetup for 6 1/2 years now; and it seems to us that along with meeting and hanging out with like-minded people (which is so wonderful and important!), you also want to improve your use of the law of attraction so you can really live the life of your dreams, filled with ease and joy, inner peace, lots of love, FUN, and, of course, prosperity and abundance!

If this is you, then keep reading.

Sometimes just dabbling in random evening events and reading books to try and learn and make changes on your own often only gets you so far. Therefore, along with all of the simpler events we offer, we think you'll appreciate that we're also sharing programs with you to dedicate yourself more fully to your learning, growth and mastery.

We're committed to bringing more joy to the world, and to supporting you in meaningful, truly effective ways.  We're far more than your meetup organizers.  We're also highly trained and experienced in helping you make the deep changes you need to experience all the harmony, happiness and success you desire.

In the newsletter below, you'll get to read about Mark's and my path to blissful, easy success by practicing what we teach.  And you'll get to read about our program, Living on a Higher Vibration: Taking you to the Heights of Creation which teaches those strategies and skills.  It starts in just 3 weeks!  We have a wonderful group of super eager, enthusiastic and excited people signed up; and would love to have you join us if you feel eager for more, as well.

If you're someone who is totally satisfied with the results you get creating your life and with how you feel each day, then this may not be for you.  But if you'd like to master your power to create and to fully align with the powers of the Universe to truly live each day with all of the freedom, inner peace, abundance, well-being, love, ease and joy that you desire, then read on!

This could very well be what you've been waiting for!
Good Vibrations Tips and News
Because Feeling Good Matters!


Joy-filled greetings!

Do you know anyone who made their way out of struggles into success? (financial, career, love, health, emotional well-being, whatever!) Even if not personally, maybe you've seen them on TV or read about them. What was it that allowed them to make that change?

The most common answers shared are "hard work, patience and persistence, and not accepting "failures" as defeat". Right? What if you could take the "hard work" out of the equation?

Mark and I have been married for 25 years now. I remember when we had recurring financial struggles and huge debt, long stretches of being unemployed and only short-term contracts in between, no vacations, old cars, and 4 of us living in a teeny 4 room apartment.

Now, we live in my dream house (that's the living room view of part of the back of our home on 1 acre in the woods), with abundance in all ways. Both of us have great, fulfilling careers. We have tons of paid time off and have a blast during it (we exceeded my dream for last year). We sent our sons to private school, and now college. And, people are always telling us that we're the happiest couple and most peaceful, positive people they know. Even during those "hard" times, we were happy; and people always asked us how we managed it.

Our life truly does keep getting better and better.

The thing is, we did NOT work hard for this! Quite the contrary, actually. We love to play!  Instead, we always looked at every situation as an opportunity for growth, asking, "What do I need to learn and how do I need to change? How am I holding myself back from what I want?" We kept utilizing the skills and strategies we'd been trained in to help us make those changes; and we committed to our continual spiritual growth, as well.

The only kind of "work" we did was personal and spiritual growth work (which we find fun); and then the rest was easy! When you're cooperating with the Universe instead of blocking it with beliefs and thinking that conflict with what you want, desires manifest with surprising ease, and you're a lot happier in the process, as well. When your inner nature and vibration matches that of the Universe, your potential and possibilities open before you; and your life becomes "heaven on earth".

We keep reaching new, exciting heights; and we want to take you with us! We want to share the best and most important concepts, strategies and skills that we've used to live a life full of ease, joy, good health, wealth, and dreams fulfilled.

If you'd like your life to be easier and happier; and you'd like to change and grow in ways that will have profound positive impact on your ability to manifest your desires, then we invite you to participate in our 10 week program, Living on a Higher Vibration: Taking you to the Heights of Creation!

We believe that you are much more than a mere physical being, and that you are one with an unlimited, energy-based, high-vibration, Universal Spirit. As you release your limited, low vibration thinking, you become more and more of your highly vibrating True Spirit-Self, unleashing your power to create and manifest all that you desire.

As you raise your vibration and become more of your greater Self, your physical reality will rise to match it! You'll get to feel and experience the unlimited power, freedom, inner-peace, abundance, well-being, love, ease and joy that your Spirit-Self is!

The Living on a Higher Vibration program is a comprehensive, in-person, workshop-style program that integrates the spirituality of Law of Attraction with some of the world's most advanced mind and behavior-changing techniques to help you reveal and release your limiting thinking and beliefs about who you think you are and what you think is possible for you so you can become an effective, deliberate creator and live the life you desire with ease and joy.

If you're:
  • tired of living with the same problems and issues, stuck in a holding pattern, unable to get the personal changes and life you desire, or

  • you've given up and settled for resigned acceptance or complacency for how things are, even though you're not fully happy about it, or

  • you'd like to experience more freedom, inner peace, abundance, well-being, love, ease and joy,

then this could be what you've been waiting for. We certainly believe so, because we've also seen the changes it has made for past participants who have joined us in this program.

"I'm thinking about all the incredible changes that have happened and are happening to me, and for which I am so thankful and appreciative! Changes I could not have envisioned a month ago. No way; no how. Wow." C.B.

"I'm much more aware of my feelings and am easily able to shift them when I need to. Whereas before I might have been pissed about something all day; now I can shift within minutes. And from there the day just seems to get easier and easier. My mood is different, people in my life seem to be different, my employees seem to be more positive, and more business is coming my way. " Ed S.

"I'm now confident and excited about my work and future, whereas before I felt hopeless about it. I used to be exhausted and stressed out all the time. Now my underlying feeling is that everything is going to be okay; and that difference is huge." A.R.

You, too, will get to move

  • from your personal struggles to your personal success and joy

  • from worry and anxiety to peace of mind

  • from life being hard to living with greater ease

  • from scarcity thinking and not having enough, to abundance thinking and prosperity

  • from feeling at the effect of your outer circumstances to being able to deliberately and effectively create and live the extraordinary life you want

  • from feeling like you have no control over your thoughts and emotions and like they run you, to knowing how to creatively use your mind and have full emotional choice

  • from having what you don't want to having what you do want!

If using vision boards, positive thinking, affirmations and the like haven't worked for you as consistently as you'd like, or if you feel like something is still missing for you, then it's likely that you still have some misunderstandings to clear up, some inner work to do, and some new strategies to learn to help you truly align with your higher Self and with what you desire. You're being called to grow and become more; and this is the exciting essence of life!

We truly believe that the Living on a Higher Vibration Program is the bridge between your pain and struggles, and your possibilities. We coach together and we expand together, and the results are thrilling. And in the end, every part of you will be saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"I've gotten my joy back. I find myself laughing and giggling at things. I find myself just enjoying being; and I had lost that for awhile. I know now I'm really okay! It's that underlying feeling that everything's okay. Thank you!" E.K.

"Thanks so much for all your help again. I knew I needed support this past fall and the "kick start" to start making my dreams come true...thank you sooo much! I just can't believe the classes were so successful for me. I mean, I knew they would be, but THAT successful? WOW. Thanks also for all the love you and Mark have given me." S.S.

Please, give yourself the gift of these new possibilities. Take a stand for yourself and what you truly want. Your time is now. Not some day or after "x" happens. We urge you not to put off your happiness any longer, because it's your happiness and connecting with your Greatest Self that will bring you your greatest life.

So what would you like? We mean really like. Don't be afraid to ask, and don't think too small. We believe you can have all the harmony, happiness and success that you desire; and we would love to partner with you on that journey.

The program starts in just 3 weeks! (Can't wait!)

When: Ten Wednesday evenings, 7:00 -9:00 pm, April 8th through June 17th (no class April 15th)

All classes and guided meditations are recorded and sent to you, for you to use as needed. And, support and learning continues between sessions with our private, e-mail discussion forum. This includes personal feedback and support from your expert coaches, Mark and me. We are both highly trained, certified and experienced as coaches in personal change. AND, one full private coaching session is included, too!

Where: In-person, at Roots and Wings Healing Arts Center, 317 N. Main St., Natick, MA

You can get 10 weeks of personal, expert attention; connection, fun and support from a consistent group of peers; and the opportunity to fully engage in, practice and embody the material so it will actually make a difference and not just be another set of notes. You just can't get all of this by trying to do it on your own or thru the limits of virtual programs or large impersonal ones. We always limit the size of our groups, to keep it personal and fully effective. You'll be one of no more than 20 people, instead of being one lost amongst a hundred or more!

To get all of this for $695, or 5 payments of $145  is a rare opportunity these days. Really, the value you'll receive and the future you'll create by participating is worth far, far more.

This program is posted on our meetup; but registration must be done directly with me, so the RSVP feature on the meetup page is closed.

If you'd like to read more testimonials, more details on the curriculum, included support, a really great next step exercise to help you with your decision (which I highly recommend), and more on our intentions for you, visit:

If you have any questions or If you feel ready to register, e-mail me at [address removed].

upporting you in greater ease and joy, with a warm heart,

Higher and higher!


For those who don't know me, I'm Ann Ide. Being your  meetup organizer is  something I do bec
ause of my passion for the law of attraction and being with and supporting others who feel the same.

I also have over 30 years of teaching and coaching experience.  I am a Master level NLP practitioner and certified NLP Life Coach.  Through my New Possibilites Coaching private and group coaching programs, I help you to move beyond your personal struggles to finding your personal joy, and to experience greater  inner peace, happiness and success. With expert questioning, inner exploration processes and deep personal change interventions that address your uniqueness, I help you more easily be your highest, best self and live your best life. 

I am happy to share these opportunities with meetup members who feel drawn to them.

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