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Proud to Run 5K - join us! This Saturday, June 29 at Montrose Harbor!

From: Dinah
Sent on: Saturday, June 22, 2013, 12:08 PM

Greetings, Uptown Runners!

At last summer is here and there are an abundance of fun runs taking place! Thanks to Uptown Runner Arryn for organizing us to attend the Proud to Run 5K this Saturday, June 29 at Montrose Harbor! I'm sure this promises to be an eventful and fun race!

To find out more, see the event on our Uptown Runners site, and while you're there, check out other upcoming runs, or post one of your own! We have now established a weekly, 3-mile run on Mondays that begins and ends at Fat Cat, where we enjoy a post-run beer and $5 burger! Join us!

Many thanks to so many of you who take advantage of our club and site. I can't tell you what a pleasure it's been to watch this little club grow, and continue to be delighted at the wonderful folks I meet on our runs. If you have not yet come out to join us, what are you waiting for? We look forward to meeting you!

Happy running!



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