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Coming to the Next MeetUp Event??

From: user 6.
Sent on: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 1:40 PM

Hi NLP junkie !

Do you know how important authentic selling is to a successful mindset? Do you have a business you want to grow, or are you starting a business? If not, this meetup does not pertain to you - The next meetup is 2-day Authentic Selling Training event - As you probably know, the process of selling is something that most people have resistance to, AND selling this the #1 activity that helps us generate more income and help more people.

The challenge is that where we’ve learned selling from is an OLD paradigm and it’s time to change that paradigm, don’t you think? That’s exactly what this 2-day event is all about - finding authenticity in the selling process.

Our brain is designed to move away from pain and toward pleasure, and if you associate any kind of discomfort or pain to the selling process, we will find ways to avoid it, like over-eat, over-sleep, over-organize, over-clean, ect.

This 2-day Authentic Selling Training is perfect for you if:

  • You know you need to improve this area of their business
  • You don’t have a selling process in place
  • Are starting a business and want to harness authentic selling skills
  • Are ready to take on more clients

If this resonates with you, register through this link: - you can register now for only $97 or $397 at the door - there are only 5 spots left, so if this feels right for you, take action now and grab your seat!!

Here are the details:
Mastering Your Authentic Selling Blueprint
Thursday and Friday August 2nd and 3rd - 9:00am - 5:00pm - both days
Embassy Suites - DTC


Love and Abundance,
George Ira Carroll

P.S. Check out the free gift you'll receive for registering between now and August 2nd: