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RE: [Nerds-Collide] new nerdy buisness being started by one of our members

From: Steve
Sent on: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, 1:43 PM


Hi Josh,


Is there a url for those of us that are limited in our options for participating in facebook?








From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Josh Hertzberg
Sent: Tuesday, December 31,[masked]:42 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Nerds-Collide] new nerdy buisness being started by one of our members


One of our members, Clarissa, is launching her own line of nerd/geek inspired apparel in the new year. Looks like some very cool stuff. like the page

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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