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June 15th Samba Boat Ride - book by May 31st and be entered into a raffle for spa voucher and Yankees tickets

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Monday, May 23, 2016, 3:35 PM

Hi there –
The June 15th samba boat ride is just a few weeks away.


The first 30 people to book their tickets on or before May 31st will be interested into a raffle to win the following items.

• Complimentary spa treatment for men or women – facials, body wraps, massages, manicure and pedicure at Lisa Schorr
• Two tickets to the upcoming Yankees vs. Baltimore Orioles on Monday, July 18 or Monday, July 19 at 7:05 p.m.
• Two tickets for omplimentary admission to Broadway Comedy Club upcoming show
Best regards,