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May 21st Summer Chill Boat Ride

From: Joanna A.
Sent on: Thursday, May 19, 2016, 8:03 PM


The Summer is finally-kinda-almost here, and we can't wait to have fun in the sun with friends and family. Because of the excitement with every degree that rises, we are jumping the gun, and throwing a Chill Summer Boat Ride with Empire Cruises.

Aboard the classic Lucille, enjoy of cold cocktails and refreshments on an Open Bar while we sail on the waters of the East River towards the Statue of Liberty.

Happy feets will be able to get down to hits spun by our live DJ on the top deck, while singers, can sing their hearts out on our Karaoke set up on the first floor. Those looking to relax and take a few back can do so by chillin' outside the open bow, and enjoy the dope views of the New York City Skyline.

Also: Beer Pong, Flip-Cup and Dominoes tables will be available!

It's gonna' be hella' fun! Invite a friend and don't miss out!

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