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Happy Holidays from NoVa.JS

From: Heather G.
Sent on: Friday, December 19, 2014, 12:16 PM
Hi Everyone!

Wanted to share a couple of things with you before the New Year.

1.  We are looking for people interested in speaking/presenting at NoVa.JS- If you are interested please email [address removed] with the details of your presentation, or if you know someone who may want to present please send them my way.

2. Hack Pledge - This is a New Year’s Resolution for programmers worldwide to mentor each other for one hour in 2015.  The team at Modus Create has pledged to this cause, and we urge you to do the same. The vision is by working together we can write better code, collectively improve our skills, and work towards becoming master craftspeople in software development. 

The idea behind the pledge is: the next time you’re stuck searching the web for answers to an annoying programming issue, another developer can help you figure things out.  This can save you hours or days of frustration.  Or if you’re an expert yourself, then you can be a hero and help another developer.

The goal is to bridge the productivity gap between programmers, and also help improve diversity among programmers, since aspiring developers in under-represented demographics may not have access to mentors.

Some impressive names have started to jump on-board this -- including Tom Chi (creator of Google Glass), Bram Cohen (creator of Bittorrent), Hakon Wium Le (creator of CSS), DHH (creator of Ruby on Rails), and well as many coding non-profits and tech companies.  Over 4,000 have pledged so far.

You can check out the pledge here.

From everyone at Modus Create - Happy Holidays! May your new year be happy, healthy, and filled with great code


Heather Ackerman
Marketing and Recruitment

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