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Wanna get your healthy living habits on track?

From: tami p.
Sent on: Thursday, January 24, 2019, 2:38 PM

Take the Challenge!!

Challenge Issued: 5-Week Challenge Start Date FEBRUARY 9

We are looking for a small group of people who are interested in taking control of their health by claiming control of their habits so that they can have more energy, prevent disease, and live healthier and happier lives.

You can check out My Lifestyle Tracker by going to It's a great way to connect online with like-minded individuals.

When you join you will earn points and badges for making healthy choices, and track your daily and weekly success as you compete against yourself and tribe-mates to do better and better.

This is a one-time opportunity to be a part of the pilot program, and we are accepting a limited number of people. Sign up quickly so you don't lose your spot.

See you online and hopefully in a workout soon!

~ tami ~

PS - not ready to join the Challenge, but you'd like some encouragement through a weekday pep talk? You can join free at

PPS - Our 5-week Fitness Session featuring HIIT and MIIS (a nicer, friendlier, happier bootcamp - but with the same intensity and work ethic) starts February 9. Don't miss it!

PPSS - You are amazing and wonderful and valuable and WE APPRECIATE YOU!!