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Vote Now - Your Opinion MATTERS

From: tami p.
Sent on: Monday, January 28, 2019, 6:17 PM

Spring is on the way!

Let's get ready for the summer weather by getting back into shape! Gotta lose some winter weight? Gotta tone up that bod? NoWalls (Better-Than-A) Bootcamp is just the way to do it!

We'd like to offer more workouts at the perfect time for YOU. But unless you get back to us, we cannot know when that is. PLEASE REPLY!!

Would you like to workout at 6:30 am? Is that too late? Too early?

Would you like to workout at 10 am? Would 9 be better for you? How about 8:30 am?

Would you prefer to workout in the evenings? How about 6:15 pm? Is 5:45 better? Maybe 6:30?

AND would you like just a couple days per week, or would you be interested in coming 4-5 days per week? If only a couple days, which ones?

PLEASE REPLY and let us know when your best times are. Let's get it together and GO! This is all up to YOU. YES YOU MATTER.

PS - we are "piloting" our (better-than-a) bootcamp Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 if you'd like to come check it out, we'd love to see you at Cottonwood Park.

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