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Upcoming Open Heart & Reiki Tummo workshops in October and November 2012 :):):)

From: Anne-Marie H.
Sent on: Friday, September 21, 2012, 10:54 AM

Dear  Everyone :-)

We are once again delighted to be able to offer both Reiki Tummo and Open Heart workshops which will be the last workshops offered in Melbourne for 2012

Please find the dates below and further information on the attached fliers (feel free to send to your friends). Hope to see you there AND remember if you cannot make it to the workshops we also have Open Heart Meditation evenings on Mondays (AlbertPark), Wednesdays (Reservoir) and now in Upwey (Wednesdays) which everyone is Welcome to attend … and bring a friend.:-)

Reiki Tummo workshops will be held in the Ferny Creek/Dandenong ranges area - venue will be confirmed closer to the date.

Sat 27 October - Reiki TUMMO  Level 1 -  Cost - $150

Sun 28 October  - Reiki TUMMO Level 2 (pre-requisite  - has attended Reiki TUMMO Level 1) -  Cost - $225

Open Heart workshops will be held at Kilbride Centre, 52 Beaconsfield Pde, Albert Park

Sat 17 November  - Open Heart Level 1 (no pre-requisite :-) Cost - $100

Sun 18 November  - Open Heart Level 2 (pre-requisite  - Open Heart Level 1) Cost - $120

There have been so many beautiful and amazing changes to all the workshops so we encourage repeaters to come along to attend any of the days for a cost of $25.

The usual discounts for concession card holders (25%) and full-time students (40%) also apply for NEW participants.

As we do require a minimum number of participants to run the workshopsand as they may get booked out…. can you please let us know if you are thinking about coming ... as we require a $50 deposit to hold your booking,,,   and remember... it's only $25 to repeat any workshop that you have previously joined so would be fantastic to see some of you repeating hearts as well as there have been many beautiful changes and your heart can join for the updates for a minimal cost :-).

We often get asked what the difference between Open Heart and Reiki Tummo workshops?

Both Reiki Tummo and Open Heart workshops are designed to open and strengthen our heart, which is the centre of feeling, of calmness, peacefulness and true joy as it is the key to our connection to the Source of Life. In all of the workshops you will experience a deepening of your understanding of the heart. Some people have a preference for the energy channelling route offered through Reiki Tummo, while others, the Open Heart route.

Reiki Tummo practices use techniques which help to activate and cleanse our whole self, physically and non-physically.  These techniques remove blockages and habits of behaviour, which cause limitations in the development of our whole being. Parts of ourselves that are usually dormant and inactive become active and in the process create exciting shifts in our whole being and environment.

Reiki Tummo while having the many benefits offered by energy channelling practices, serves a fundamentally different primary purpose to all other energy channelling approaches in that it is not specifically designed for healing, but for the process of bringing practitioners closer to the Divine and enlightenment.

The Open Heart workshops are specifically designed to directly strengthen and open our heart and in the process build and strengthen our connection through our heart to the Source of our True Selves.

Please feel free to contact us for further information

with Love, Light and Gratitude

Anne-Marie & Steve

Anne-Marie Hutchins & Steve Ray


Padmacahaya Victoria

ph: [masked] (Anne-Marie)[masked] (Steve)

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