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Re: [Organized-Chaos-Dragon-Boating] Looking for someone to work out with during the off season?

From: William D.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 11:51 AM
  Do any of you guys have a desire to paddle in the US Indoor championships? It usually is near the middle of March. The venue is at a school in China Town NY. You would race 3 or 4 races. Those being 250, 500, 1000 meters and a 4 member team event.
   Philly usually takes the medals home each year. But, With that said I finished in the top couple of paddlers and beat Bob McNamara and a couple of his Philly Cronies. 
  It costs something like 10 bucks. The real cost is going to NY and staying there going to plays, eating great food, checking out the world trade center/Statue of Liberty, and having a few drinks.
  All we need is to get 4 people together for the team events.
William Dion
cell ;[masked]

On Wed, 11/19/14, Dawn Alligood <[address removed]> wrote:

 Subject: [Organized-Chaos-Dra­gon-Boating] Looking for someone to work out with during the off season?
 To: [address removed]
 Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 10:01 AM
 Looking for someone to
 work out with during the off season?
 We will connect you with one of your team members that have
 the same interests.
 Let us know type of activity (running, bicycling, working
 out at the gym, paddling or personal training). 
 Let us know what days, times and location work best for you.
 We will connect you with your team members that have the
 same interests.
 Please email Teri - [address removed]
 "If you hit REPLY, this message is received by everyone
 on the distribution list - please contact me directly at
 [address removed]
 Please Note: If you hit "REPLY",
 your message will be sent to everyone on
 this mailing list ([address removed])
 This message was sent by Dawn Alligood ([address removed])
 from Organized
 Chaos Racing.
 To learn more about Dawn Alligood, visit his/her member
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 POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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