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Mike Crow will be sharing his Market Secrets at PBN this Wednesday

From: Michelle W.
Sent on: Monday, March 12, 2012, 7:16 PM


March 14th you will not want to miss: 


Mike Crow founded and successfully managed one of the largest home inspection firms across North America (which was grossing almost $2 million dollars per year and experiencing 40%+ growth the year before he resigned.) Mike also founded and successfully managed a pest control company and carpet cleaning company.


Mike officially began coaching other business owners and entrepreneurs in 2004 teaching them how to build their business while systematizing their marketing processes, and he now coaches hundreds of people across North America. He has worked with and helped everything from dry cleaners to internet marketing companies, and he can do the same for your business.

Mike has written countless marketing-focused articles which have appeared and continue to appear in publications all across the Country (including his own monthly marketing newsletter).  Mike has delivered hundreds of presentations to organizations, groups, and business owners in almost every industry imaginable and has hosted his own 4 day seminar every year for the last 7 years. Mike knows what it takes to effectively deliver outstanding content while keeping the crowd excited and engaged


Here's the description of this topic...

6 Easy Long-Term Marketing Secrets to Help You Stay in Front of Your Customers, Patients or Clients.


There are a number of things you can do to stay in front of your clients all year long - Mike will share 6 that he has used in the past you help you look like you are everywhere - all the time...



Join Us For Our Weekly Meeting


We Meet Every Wednesday

from 11:30 - 1:00
(1:30 when we have a guest speaker)  

When we have a speaker, there is no exclusivity!EVERYONE IS INVITED!  

Where:  IAAM Building

635 Fritz Ave.  Coppell, TX  75019 

Cost:  $15.00
(the meeting is $15.00, lunch is FREE - a 100% write off)


Why become a member?

  • SPOTLIGHT to the whole group
  • Reduce the cost to $10.00 a meeting.
  • Mastermind meetings
  • Tons of advertising for you and your company
  • E-mail promoting you every week
  • Brochures promoting you and your company
  • Exclusivity if you chose


Bring business cards and flyers to hand out.  Come, have lots of fun and be ready to do business!  This group is not ashamed to say that we are about "SHOW ME THE MONEY"! You can make an incredible income by developing the right relationships and by referrals, if you do it right!  Let us show you how!


You are welcome to bring a raffle item (example: product or gift card for your service) for a drawing for the group to give you extra recognition.

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