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Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

Speaker Wednesday at PBN: Owning and Operating a Small Business

From: Michelle W.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 7:30 PM

February 29th, Special Speaker:   

Owning and Operating a Small Business


Owning and operating a small business in today's competitive environment is not an easy endeavor. It requires courage, drive, and commitment, but more importantly, it requires having a strategic mindset and a vision for the future of your business. You must think and operate like the visionary CEO of your business and not an employee.


Obstacles that prevent business owners from achieving success can usually be associated to one or more of the following:

  • Don't Know What They Want
  • Limiting Beliefs or Mental Barriers
  • Lack of a Plan
  • Don't Follow the Plan

As a Business and Executive Coach, Brian Rinke will explore the essential aspects of operating a successful business and provide insightful information that can help you grow your business in 2012. Together, we'll explore the strategies and methods used to take your business above the competition and THRIVE in a time when others are just trying to survive.

Brian Rinke is a business owner as well as a business and executive coach with ProActive Leadership Group; one of today's premiere business coaching companies. Brian formed his coaching practice by applying the sales, marketing and business development skills he acquired from 26 years of experience and success with Warner Bros., Ingram Entertainment and Fred Meyer Stores, Inc. His experience in the areas of retail, wholesale and manufacturing has resulted in a diverse business acumen that is rooted in knowledge, skill, tenacity and confidence. His professional career and business experience provides the foundation to guide and mentor business owners to achieve massive results and a strong sense of accomplishment.



Join Us For Our Weekly Meeting  

  We normally have over 40 plus people every week!  We would love to have you be part of our PBN family!

We Meet Every Wednesday
11:30 - 1:00
(1:30 when we have a guest speaker)

When we have a speaker, there is no exclusivity!



Where:  IAAM Building 

         635 Fritz Ave.

             Coppell, TX  75019 

Cost:  $15.00
(the meeting is $15.00, lunch is FREE 

that way it is a 100% write off)

Bring business cards and flyers to hand out.  Come, have lots of fun and be ready to do business!  This group is not ashamed to say that we are about "SHOW ME THE MONEY"! You can make an incredible income by developing the right relationships and by referrals, if you do it right!  Let us show you how!

Questions:  Sandy Luedke,[masked]