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New Meetup: Pasadena Chalk Festival

From: Anil G.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 5:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Pasadena Indians and Indophiles!

What: Pasadena Chalk Festival

When: Sunday, June 20,[masked]:00 AM

Paseo Colorado
280 E Colorado Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91101

Lets meet outside Sephora and go from there. This sounds like a lot of fun, and its local!
We can do lunch later, if there is interest.

Details from their website:

The 18th annual Pasadena Chalk Festival at Paseo Colorado will celebrate Father?s Day Weekend on June 19 and 20, 2010 from 10am to 7pm, as thousands of spectators enjoy the annual festival that is open to the public and free of charge. Paseo Colorado?s interconnected mix of retail, entertainment, housing and garden promenades helps the Pasadena Chalk Festival continue the legacy of the street painting art form by offering festival visitors an opportunity to shop, dine or see a movie as the artworks come to life.

Over 500 artists come from all across Southern California to spend two days on their hands and knees creating 175 spectacular chalk murals on concrete areas in every style imaginable. In addition to the extraordinary opportunity to watch artists at work, guests are treated to live music an entertainment throughout the weekend. Families share the day with each other as children create complimentary Father?s Day cards in KID?S CHALKLAND, and have their faces painted by face painters in a designated area for the children.

At the conclusion of the festival, participating artists will select the outstanding murals of the festival, including Best Overall, Best Technique, Best Use of Color and more. Festival visitors will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite murals as well. Pasadena Chalk Festival ?Paseo Colorado People?s Choice? ballots will be available in the Center?s retailers. The artist selected as ?Paseo Colorado?s People?s Choice? will win a gift basket filled with a wonderful selection of items from Paseo Colorado retailers.

The Pasadena Chalk Festival benefits the community arts programs of the Light Bringer Project, a Pasadena-based nonprofit arts organization founded by local residents who were interested in the role the arts, architecture and design played in the growth and development of their community. For more information on Light Bringer Project programs and partnerships, please visit

Learn more here: