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What we’re about


Thanks for checking out our group.

Scroll down for intro & info about our group.

Upcoming events:

May (maybe) @ Sedona –

May (Memorial Day weekend) @ Sequoia –

May (maybe) @ Kings Canyon –

June @ Santa Monica Beach –

June (maybe) @ Eastern Sierra / Kearsarge Pass –

July @ Rocky Mountain –

July @ Denver, Colorado –

August @ Glacier & Yellowstone –

August @ Huntington Beach –

September @ La Jolla –

October @ Santa Barbara –

October @ Washington DC & Toronto, Canada –

April 2024 @ Austin, TX or Buffalo, NY –

April 2024 @ Orlando, FL –

Our group has kind, caring, and open-minded people, so some volunteer opportunities and Native American pow wow events might also be added:

For more volunteer opportunities, check out our other group:

A quick note to any who message(d) me – Meetup has a weird bug where anyone can email (me) an organizer, but if you're not a member of this group or another group we're mutually both in, then Meetup won't allow me to respond. It might be an anti-spam feature. So if anyone messaged me in the past, I'm sorry for not replying. I honestly tried, but Meetup's messaging system is strict. If anyone doesn't want to join this group, but has a question, try emailing me at and I check that email account once a week.

Do you love being outside in nature, going on adventures, discovering new places, making new friends, and creating new memories?

Do you spend more time on social media than being social with real humans?

Do your friends prefer staying indoors with the virtual world (phone, tv, movies, video games, internet, etc.) ?

Or are your outdoorsy friends always busy?

Is there a fun destination you want to go to, but haven't yet because nobody was available to join you?

Are you bored of doing the same things and going to the same places every weekend?

Well then, good news.

Our group has many cool, friendly, and like-minded individuals.

I plan a few events/trips throughout the year, and everyone is encouraged to host their own event.

If there is a hike you want to do, a place you want to visit, or a trip/activity you want to plan...then share your idea so others can join you.

More info -

FYI: Many people ask, so I'll mention it here. Wiseman sounds like a fake name, internet moniker, or nickname, but it's my real name. Ironically, I'm pretty dumb. ;)

And if what I look like matters, use a web browser and go to

and under my main photo, click on "Tagged photos" and you can judge me...and decide if you want to join our group/events/trips. :)



If anyone is brand new to camping, some of our trips are good for first-timers.


For any dog-owners - as you know, many national & state parks prohibit dogs on hiking trails.

However, our Eastern Sierra & Mammoth trips are dog friendly.

Mammoth & Eastern Sierra are beautiful. Many trails allow dogs to run around and even jump/swim in lakes.

So your dogs don't have to be sad or jealous when you go to national parks without them.

Bring them on a fun camping trip!

And let them chase squirrels!



Upcoming events (4+)

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