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Invitation to complimentary Kick Off Party! - Meet The Organizers

From: magdalena
Sent on: Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 4:43 PM

Here is the thing:

You probably belong to MANY meetup groups and other social media platforms, often wondering, who exactly are the folks behind organizing all the events ... are they real? are they fun? do they have lives outside of meetup? and who are the people who actually attend those events? etc.

Well, believe us when we tell you, we want to meet you in person as much as you want to meet us! So grab a friend and come out on September 15th to our annual Kick Off party and we will answer any question you might have for us. This event is a great opportunity to meet your hosts, find out what Pine Point Ski Club has in store for the upcoming season and connect with folks who share the similar interests. It doesn't get better than that :)

For more details regarding the Kick-Off Party please click: HERE

See you soon!