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PYE Gallery Party is TONIGHT!!!! Starting at 7pm..See you all there!!! BYOW and Potluck(Suggest $5-10 donation for assemble)

From: Tom M.
Sent on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 1:54 PM
Come out to PYE Gallery Party Mixer....BYOB wine, Potluck for food(bring a dish), enjoy some cool tunes, socialize with fellow entrepreneurs and dream-makers, feel free to assemble anything from our maker table, to dance, and connect with others....

Assemble(a gallery for making arts for kids and community) has been kind to offer their awesome space in return for donations. They rely on donations from events like this to keep their programs going for the youth.... so we will ask for a suggested $5-10 donation per person for the space and for their cause!

Come out and have fun, and make some great contacts. Let loose in this non-traditional networking party....just be you!!! :-)

We can support each other in our creative endeavors, and also I will be announcing a way we can all help each other generate more business and really manifest our dreams into reality a lot faster than before!!!

Contact me at[masked] with questions or at [address removed]m

I hope to see you all there soon

-Tom M
Assemble 5125 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 View Map · Get Directions

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