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Valkee Headset "day 1" review

From: Ken S.
Sent on: Friday, November 18, 2011, 1:14 PM
I just bought the new Valkee Headset that's meant to solve SAD (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder) in 93% of test cases by beaming light into your ear. On a bit of a whim I bought this at the beginning of the week and it arrived today (several days earlier than they'd promised … always nice to see the "Scotty school of expectation management" in play in the real world). 

If you're interested to hear more I've posted my thoughts — mind you it's only my "day 1 thoughts" — on my companies blog which you can find here:

I'll add another post in a week or two once I've hopefully adjusted to being highly alert all the time and am no longer craving chocolate or wine every night (the latter issue being a much smaller issue since I can solve it by simply having wine and chocolate). 

Ken Snyder
[address removed]

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