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Grand Opening of Northgate Books at Northgate Mall Saturday, July 10

From: Eileen Batson: The Batson G.
Sent on: Friday, July 9, 2010, 11:51 AM

Are you an author in the Triangle?
This new bookstore is local author friendly!!

Saturday, July 10, Northgate Books will host a Grand Opening from 10am -4pm with special refreshments served all day, live music with award-winning singer/songwriter Jon Batson and noted local residents in attendance. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is at 12:30pm.

Northgate Books is conveniently located inside Entrance 2 (across from the movie theater and near the water feature) and resides in the former Waldenbooks location. The owner of Northgate Books, Steven Elliot, also owns and operates Falls River Books in North Raleigh and has close to two decades in the retail book business.

?The brick and mortar used book store has been transformed at Northgate with a place where one can sit and read, exchange books and browse, order used and rare books, sip coffee and enjoy free Wifi. I have a special section that features local authors as well.? said Elliot.

While the bulk of inventory is used books at greatly reduced prices, Northgate Books has also partnered with Ingram Books in order to provide customers with the best in new releases.

Stop by on July 10 and enjoy a day at the ?old? bookstore at Northgate Mall.

Northgate Books, used books, is conveniently located in Durham's Northgate Mall, is North Carolina's first used book superstore. With over 5000 square feet, hundreds of modern fixtures, and tens of thousands of used books, Northgate books is one of the few used book stores to be inside of a regional mall. Amenities at Northgate Books include wifi, free coffee and comfortable cafe seating. The majority of books in the store are over 50% off and hardcovers start at two dollars. Also for those that like recycling, books can be swapped and exchanged for an even larger discount. Visit us soon in Bull City to see what the buzz is about. Location- 1058 W. Club Blvd., Durham, NC. 27701. [masked]

Grand Opening of Northgate Books at?

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