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New Event: James Joyce March Beer Tasting

From: Colby
Sent on: Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 4:08 PM
Announcing a new event for Triangle Scuba Meetup!

What: James Joyce March Beer Tasting

When: Wednesday, March 5, 6:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: This is a very informal event meant for socializing, trying some great beers, and meeting new people. This is not our monthly group meetup.

Why: Beer!

Meeting Description: The James Joyce Irish Pub in Durham is having their monthly beer tasting on Wednesday, March 5th. With St. Patty's Day right around the corner, this month's theme is Irish and Irish-inspired beers. You will get to taste some classic Irish beers, as well as some unique interpretations of traditional Irish style beers. The cost is $12, which includes a tasting glass for you to keep, or $9 if you already have a glass from a previous tasting. This is a great and inexpensive way to try some outstanding beers! Festivities start at 6:30pm and wrap up around 10pm. Come out and support this local beer event!

Learn more here:

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