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SJ Indie Film Meetup - Forums

From: Glenn N
Sent on: Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 8:52 AM

I want to remind you all that we have discussion boards, a.k.a. forums. You can post messages there and join in discussions. There's no telling what goodies might appear. One member emailed me today and asked about setting up a DVD/VHS exchange.

You can click on Discussions in the home page for our group. But a better idea is to make sure you get daily notifications when there are new messages. Here's how:

1. click on Account (upper right of meetup page)

2. click on Membership and Communications (upper left of page)

3. Find The San Jose Indie Film Meetup (I should drop the word The from the name!)

4. Click on Communication Settings.

5. Finally: check on the Message Boards.

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