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Spending Saturday with our friends from Cuba

From: Johnchito
Sent on: Thursday, November 22, 2012, 10:04 PM

Dear friends,


We have 4 friends visiting us from Cuba on a business trip and they have asked me to spend the Saturday with them.  For some of them, it's the first time visiting Korea and we'd like to do some things such as shopping in Namdaemun market, going to a jimjilbang or public sauna, etc.  I need someone who can help me to guide them during the day and whoever volunteers first, it will be chosen to accompany us.  You must speak Spanish relatively fluently and be able to manage bargaining with the merchants in the Namdaemun market.


And for  the rest of you who wishes to meet them but were not chosen to be their guide, we're planning to arrange a dinner so you get to chat with them a little bit and get to know more about Cuba.  Also keep in mind that you might go to Cuba someday and you'll have someone to contact then!!! They are really friendly and nice. We haven't decided where to go yet but I'll let you know once we have defined all the logistics.


Please call me if you are interested or text me with your name.

