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Who wants to be on a TV series?

From: Bernadette W.
Sent on: Monday, January 19, 2009, 10:07 PM
Hi Skaters ... (Hola Patinadores) ...

The producers of Supernanny are looking for healthy, value laden families with teenagers for a new TV series. I've been asked to contact you all to see if there's any interest among you. Read below and let me know ...

Later skaters ...


PS - Yes, I've checked ... and it's for real.
From Kathie Kopa:

Hi Bernadette,

How are you? Know any "Supernanny" fans? Well, we're now producing a similar show -- but for teens!

I'm coming to Miami on Friday, and will interview families thru Monday -- January 24, 25, 26. Please let me know if your skating families are (or know) any exemplary parents with teens...

I'm casting a wonderful new show that promotes healthy family values, and I'm hoping you might be able to spread the word to your associates, friends and family. They may know people who would like to participate. Please feel free to forward this email:

A new show for teens from the producers of "Supernanny" --

We're looking for two things:

1) Great parents, solid families willing to host two teens in their home.
2) Donor parents, whose unruly teens would like to live with another family for a week.

This is not a swap -- families will not exchange kids. The unruly teens will only go to live with the host parents for a week, to experience a new environment.

I'm looking for host families and unruly teens from across the country. Anyone interested should call me immediately -- Florida interviews January 24, 25, 26, by appointment.

Thanks for helping me to get the grapevine humming! A description and my contact info for the show is below -- please feel free to call me with any questions.

Thanks again,

:) Kathie Kopa
Casting Producer
Ricochet Television
[address removed]
offc[masked]. ext. 1087

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