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NOW ONLINE INSTEAD Meetup Cancelled: Englewood IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop

From: John S W.
Sent on: Friday, September 19, 2014, 7:16 AM

Englewood IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop has been cancelled. Please update your plans accordingly. We are now online each Friday morning instead, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week who is promoting our gathering around the world.

Hope you can join us this morning as we work out the kinks. First 10 to RSVP will get a seat at the virtual roundtable. See our Google+ Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc page for more information and the optional RSVP, an unlimited number of people from around the world who are interested in startup will be joining us each week, we hope you will, too.

Today we'll talk about Denver Startup Week. If there is an official spokes person who would like to be on with us, please call [masked] and please share this with anyone who might know who that person is and be willing to forward this along to him or her. Thanks!

If you have further questions, you can email me through the Contact Us link on Meetup.

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