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South Florida Runs Has It's 1000th Meetup

From: Sam (South Florida R.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 14, 2013, 10:50 PM

I am very excited to announce that Thursday Night's West Palm Beach Run will be South Florida Runs 1000th Meetup! In less than 5 years we now have over 850 members, 1000 Meetups, and an awful lot of running, friendships, celebrations and great memories. I thank you all for these achievements and we have so much more to come! We are aways expanding our horizons and trying new things. Paddleboarding has been a big hit. We have an upcoming volleybal event, and everyone loves the Monday night speed workouts (thanks Bryan!). We are very excited to be presenting out first sanctioned 5K this November 3rd, the Coconut 5K to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters,

If you are available please come join us Thursday night for a short 3+ mile run followed by a beverage or two at ER Bradleys. Stop by for a drink if you can't make the run at 7:30 or 8:00 so we can toast to our 1000th Meetup!

Sam G.

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