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Reminder: Go Zip Lining, Living social deal expires in 3 days

From: Max
Sent on: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 5:40 PM

Living Social deal for this event will expire in 3 days. If you plan to join, book your event in next couple days through living Social and call in for and reserve for the event date.

Get a weekend "Full Monty" tour for $44 (regularly $89).


For more details on the meetup event, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, August 25,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Spring Mountain Adventure Corporation
757 Spring Mount Rd
Spring Mount, PA 19473

Canopy tours are a series of zip lines and rope bridges and challenges through the trees under the "canopy" or the leaves of the trees. You'll take the chair lift to the top of the mountain, hike to your starting point and then, harnessed to zip lines, you'll fly through the air high above the mountain!
**Reservations at are absolutely required for all Canopy Tours.
