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Labor Day Weekend Festivities

From: Joseph R.
Sent on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 2:38 PM

I hope everyone has lots of fun plans ahead for Labor Day weekend.

We all usually have one thing in mind we'd like to do and that's play games!

If you missed my plethora of e-mails I just sent you missed some good stuff.

At last night's meetup we had 38 people attend!  We are busting out the seems and Perkins loves it.  There were so many new faces.  It seemed every time I turned around I was saying hello to someone new.

If you didn't make it out, or if you did and didn't get enough gaming in you should come on out and join us for more gaming this weekend.

There are a couple meetups happening this weekend:

Saturday: Labor Day weekend gaming with the Niebauers
This meetup is currently full based on limited space.  But there's still more gaming going on.

Monday: Learn 2 Play: Labor Day Game-A-Thon (Also on Facebook.)

If you know of your own gaming adventure happening this weekend that you would like to get our members involved in let me know and I'll be happy to spread the word.

If those don't work for you, our game store sponsors, Anthem Games and Learn 2 Play will be more than happy for you to stop by and play some games at their locations any day of the week.

Don't have any games? Both stores have open games for you to play.  Also R&R Games just signed on to sponsor us and is offering discounts on their entire line.  
Never heard of them or played their games? The next meetup you attend we'll have games you can try and learn all about them.
Don't want to wait? It's OK, Learn 2 Play also carries their entire line and the will let you try before you buy right in the store and always have staff available to teach you how to play the games. (And any other stock they have.)
Want to venture into other games, or maybe part with your games to get new ones? Anthem Games offers the ability to trade in your games for store credit or cash, and also has a nice selection of pre-owned games you can give a home to.

Yes, I know that's a lot of e-mail to take all in.  Guess what that means? Tons of businesses love us and love spreading the joy of our awesome hobby.

If you only remember one thing, remember this, introduce your friends and family to the wonderful world of board games and just have fun!

I hope to see you out and playing games soon!
Joseph Rose

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