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Winners of free stuff! Lots of gaming! And a new name?!?

From: Joseph R.
Sent on: Friday, September 13, 2013, 2:46 PM

Hello everyone-

Disclaimer: This is a little lengthy, by I encourage you to read it all we want to keep you informed and we would love your input.

We had 298 entries into our drawing this month, which is 90 more than we had last month! (That's 250% higher than when we started with the drawings back in March.)  That means attendance is booming and we're having more meetups.  
I say it every time, and I cannot say it enough, Thank YOU to everyone that has been attending the meetups, and to those that have been bringing guests.  You may have noticed that at almost every meetup there's a new face to enjoy games with.  Guests have been coming out of the woodworks and they've even been bringing guests.  Some of those guests have even signed up on meetup and are now members! (Please assist in strengthening our member base by asking your guests to sign up and become a member of our group.)

Winners of free stuff!
If you're new, one of our many sponsors, Anthem Games, loves to give away stuff and show their appreciation for the support from our members and guests. For every meetup you attend you get entered into a drawing for free stuff every month.

Congratulations to this month's winners!

1st place, $20.00 gift certificate: Michael Trathen
2nd place, $10.00 gift certificate: Nick Veneris
3rd place, $5.00 gift certificate: Brandon Hobbs

If you won, you will have until 10/19/2013 to visit Anthem Games, present this e-mail with a form of identification, and claim your gift certificate.

If you did not win, don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of chances to win the next drawing.  You can start racking up entries for the next drawing by attending meetups as soon as this weekend.

Lots of gaming! (Please remember to RSVP on
Here's a rundown of upcoming gaming festivities:
Saturday, 09/14/2013 - Anthem Games SUPER board game day
All day gaming festivities happening from noon until close. Super game day is always a hit.

Monday, 09/16/2013 - Learn 2 Play Games: Board game night
This meetup the store will be running a special of 30% off all R&R Games and having a raffle to win a copy of the game AttrAction, the game that so many people love. (You should definitely try it if you've never played it, quick, easy, and fun.)

Tuesday, 09/17/2013 - Anthem Games: Board game night
The store continues to offer their Trader Tuesdays where you can trade in your pro-owned/slightly used games for cash or store credit.  They are also offering a current deep discount of 40% off all Killer Bunnies products, if you're a fan of Munchkin you may want to give Killer Bunnies a try.

Thursday, 09/19/2013 - Playing games at Perkins
Perkins meetups are popular; we're now averaging 30+ in attendance every week! (And if you're hungry we get 10% off.)

Come on out, play some board games, and bring your friends!

And a new name?!?
Yes, I know it's a lot to take in at one time.  But we have one last thing...
Quite a few people have said they have a hard time remembering the name of our group.  Sometimes they don't remember the address of the group on meetup because they find it difficult to remember the name of the group.  As we continue to grow our membership and expand our outreach we want to consider updating the name of our group to something that encompasses what our group has become and streamline our name into something easier to remember and convey to new members.

Logo contests seem to be pretty popular in the area right now and there are some talented artists all over the place.  If we come up with a new name then we'll take the next step and see if we can create a logo that will symbolize our group.  But we'll send out an announcement when we get to that stage.  If you are someone that is not that great with words but already visualize something that you think would be great for our group you are welcome to send it to me and who knows, it might inspire a name.

We're open to all suggestions.  There are many things on the horizon but we'll take it one step at a time.  If you have any ideas/suggestions please send them to me.

I think that's plenty of news for everyone. If I do not see you out and about at a meetup I hope you have a pleasant weekend.

Joseph Rose, Organizer
[address removed]