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RSVP: Veg Dinner & "The Last Mountain"

From: Don R.
Sent on: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 1:39 PM
Please RSVP (by email, or call[masked]) if you plan to attend this Saturday's veg potluck and viewing of "The Last Mountain, in Owings Mills, from 6-9 pm. Details & other events at

Powerful coal mining interests today find it more profitable to extract coal by removing the mountains from the coal rather than the coal from the mountains. In the process, mountain streams are buried and drinking water poisoned. As powerful explosives are detonated, winds carry plumes of coal dust and tiny silica glass particles to the homes and lungs of the Appalachian residents, contributing to cancer fatalities far beyond normal. There's a growing grass roots movement that's attempting to bring the destruction and injustice to a close. See photos at

Hope to see you there! 

Peace... Don Robertson


"What if each waking moment could be used to reveal the love that I am..."


EARTHSAVE helps people make Healthier, Compassionate,

Earth-friendly Food Choices

Baltimore Chapter events

EarthSave, Vegetarianism, and Me, by Don Robertson