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(((Tonight!))) Dr. Will Tuttle Speaking...

From: Don R.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 6:02 AM
(((Tonight!))) Baltimore area people have a nice opportunity to hear a terrific speaker share the story of his spiritual journey and tell us why our society so needs to shift toward a plant-based diet. Dr. Will Tuttle is a compelling speaker who weaves together veganism, history, culture, feminism, religion, health, and other topics, in an engaging and cohesive way. Dr. Tuttle is also a wonderful pianist, Zen Buddhist master, and educator.  

Will Tuttle's best selling book "The World Peace Diet" points out that human involvement in animal agriculture brought on a desensitization to violence and a reduction in our essential feelings, awareness, and intelligence (ability to make connections). This is a root cause of oppression, exploitation, and spiritual disconnectedness. Will Tuttle teaches us how can take powerful steps toward peace, justice, and personal and planetary heath by bringing our food choices more and more fully into alignment with our values. 

He will do a talk and book signing in Baltimore at Cyclops book store, 30 West North Ave. (at Maryland), in Baltimore, 21201, this Wednesday, May 23rd, at 7pm. Please join us if you can!


"What if each waking moment could be used to reveal the love that I am..."


EARTHSAVE helps people make Healthier, Compassionate,

Earth-friendly Food Choices

Baltimore Chapter events

EarthSave, Vegetarianism, and Me, by Don Robertson