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A potluck dinner, a wine tasting, and a message from Karen

From: Erin
Sent on: Sunday, December 23, 2012, 7:59 PM

Ciao all,

I hope you’re all enjoying the holidays. Thanks to all of you who voted in the poll on new classes! Two new social events have been added to the calendar, both of them in February; plus check below for a special note from Karen Wagner.

The first event is a potluck supper on Saturday Feb. 9th at 6pm at Corinne’s house. Bring a dish and a talent (if you have one!) to share with the group. We’ll have some great food and celebrate St. Valentine’s Day a little early together. For more details and to RSVP, go here.

Then join us for a wine tasting on Wednesday Feb. 21st at the home of Meredith Nelson. Her good friend from Italy will be there to present a slide show before the tasting begins, for anyone who’s interested, and to discuss travel in Italy. (She works as a tour guide and is sure to have lots of great stuff to share!) RSVP here.

Finally, from Karen Wagner:
“To everyone who helped load my truck,
I would just like to say a big Thank You! Once again I am reminded what a great group you are and to let you know we will miss you all. Thanks again and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Love to all,

And from me – Buon Natale! I’ll write next week with even more. In the meantime, get in touch if you have any input about classes.


*For much more, check out

*Go to Il Tavolo’s Facebook page for discussion in Italian plus Il Tavolo news.

*Find upcoming events and connect with other Il Tavolo members on our meetup page.

*Improve your Italian with these great podcasts on podbean

*Find even more resources on Italian language and culture at

*You can always write me through or you can email me at [address removed].