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Reminder about Speaking French at French Conversation Groups

From: Amanda
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 5:25 PM
Due to some recent incidents, I have been asked to send the following reminder regarding the French conversation group meetings.

Please respect our members' wishes that all conversation at the following meetups occur ONLY in French:

1. La French Connection: Wednesday nights at La Madeleine.
2. NASA French Meetup on Wednesday mornings, and the 3rd Saturday of the month.
3. Pret-a-Parler on the West Side, 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month.

If you are caught speaking in any language other than French at the above meetings, please do not be surprised if someone there asks you to take corrective action or, for repeated infractions, asks you to remove yourself from the group. It's not fair to the other attendees who are there to learn and practice.

If you can't speak any French at all, you can attend the Dialogue des Francophones on Thursday nights in the Galleria. They do not require you to speak French.

We also host other Francophone events from time to time (parties, movies, dinners, plays, concerts) that do not require you to speak French. Check our calendar for details:

If you are interested in learning French, you can take a beginner class at Alliance Francaise, University of Houston, or private lessons from any number of tutors in the area. Once you have a basic beginner knowledge of French, you will get a lot more enjoyment out of the French conversation group meetings.

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