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Charity Dinner in Klang

From: user 5.
Sent on: Friday, November 1, 2013, 8:36 PM

Dear Members,

This going to sound strange but it is true, no kidding around here orelse I will be stripped as an organiser in KL friends Meetup.

A friend is sponsoring dinner for good cause, so would like to sponsor some seats for this dinner at Look Foke Moon Restaurant (formerly known as Tai Thong Restaurant) in Klang (NON-HALAL), Batu Satu Port Klang Road, opposite Police station / Heng Hwa School, near to Metro Club (Jalan Pokok Sena)

Is this Sunday 3rd.Nov at 6pm. First 2 will get car pool from SS15 Subang Jaya, free dinner and free car so nice, others will have to drive there or carpool with others. Am helping her to invite as she is not well & busy at work.

Dinner is related to Hokkien Christianity (apology to our Muslim friends & strong non Christian believers).

Those stay in KL complained too far away, anyway whoever is interested MUST private message me to show your seriousness or call me at[masked] /[masked].

Not to worries, not converting u into Christianity, am NOT one.

U MUST CONFIRMED BY tomorrow before 10pm.


Thanks & Regards.
