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Two Great Events of Interest for This Week

From: Seaton
Sent on: Monday, November 4, 2013, 12:19 PM


There are TWO great opportunities to attend at SURF Incubator. Please read both.

Hope to see you!


1) TUESDAY November 5th

If you are working on any Business-to-Business ideas, you should definitely come this mixer event on Tuesday evening. You can get funding, training and support through this fabulous accelerator program, which is held at SURF Incubator. They are now taking applications for their second cohort.  9Mile Labs

9Mile Labs Mixer:


2) THURSDAY November 7th

As a fellow innovator I thought you might be interested in an event we’re hosting at SURF this Thursday. Intellectual Ventures has offered to showcase a few of their innovations developed in their lab to the SURF Incubator community. It will also be an opportunity to learn more about the world’s largest patent holder and how you might be able to engage with their inventions. Food and beverages will be provided. Intellectual Ventures

Intellectual Ventures Happy Hour

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