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New Meetup: Psy - The Seven Fingers at Peacock Theatre

From: Jafar
Sent on: Monday, May 3, 2010, 11:20 PM
Psy - The Seven Fingers

Fri 7:00 PM Location
Peacock Theatre
Portugal St

Psy features 11 staggeringly talented young and achingly hip performers from Quebec. Each one has their own peculiar modern malady (insomnia, hypochondria or compulsive behavior) along with an amazing set of heart-stopping, death-defying circus skills to match ? including Chinese poles, aerial ropes, knife juggling, trapeze and breathtaking acrobatics.

Don't miss this breathtaking and utterly irresistible show from one of the world?s coolest and most inventive contemporary circus companies. Packed with dazzling daredevilry, urban charm, infectious energy and heaps of personality, it's guaranteed to blow your mind!

More information and a short video clip here. You can also book your ticket from that page.

I'll be at the bar area at 7:00 PM. Mobile number[masked] if you need to find me.