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New Meetup: Comedy in The Basement - Paul Brasch

From: Faruk
Sent on: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 12:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Gold Coast SLR Photography!

What: Comedy in The Basement - Paul Brasch

When: Friday, August 20,[masked]:30 PM

Price: AUD20.00 per person

Where: Arts Cafe
135 Bundall Rd,
Surfers Paradise

Something completely different! I am combining two of my groups. Movie and Photography meetups on the same night. So you will have some new faces :-)

We can not reserve a table unless its paid for in advance. So can anyone that is certain of coming along please RSVP asap so we can organise payment to the Arts Centre.

This will definitely be a fun night out, we are diversifying a little bit from the movie nights but for those members that want more fun and entertainment then please join us, and for those that just want a our regular meetups, we will still be doing them as they are scheduled.

A Night of Comedy
cost $15 per person plus $2 donation.

Start Time: 8:00pm
Doors open:6:30pm onwards

Cost:$18 + $2 Donation = $20.00
Bookings: Strictly in advance to my bank account for advance bookings. Please do not RSVP 'YES' if you are not paying.
Bank Details: Please use your member name as reference. If you are paying for more than one person indicate like so ( jonesx2 or janex3). I will use those names on your tickets.
Bank: Bank Of Queensland
AC Type: Savings Account
AC Name: Meetup
BSB Number:[masked]
Account No:[masked]

Food: Individuals may order from their menu (Click here for the menu) and pay as you order on the night.
Length: 60 mins plus (usually until 11pm)
Genre: Comedy
Language: English
Certification: STRICTLY 18+ ONLY
Comedian: Paul Brasch
MC: Rob Brown
Official Website: Visit official website

Bio:Born in Brisbane and now based in Sydney Paul hosted The Paul Brasch Show on the Triple M network for four years and has appeared on many television shows such as Hey Hey It ?s Saturday, The Midday Show, The Footy Show, Stand Up Australia and Headliners.

Paul wrote and performed his one man show Late Night with Groucho that met with stunning reviews, and he has appeared at the Brisbane, Melbourne and Adelaide Comedy Festivals and the Vancouver Comedy Festival in Canada.

He has been hired to work for many companies from McDonald?s to Microsoft and is a regular popular guest entertainer on P&O Cruises both in Australia and overseas. Get ready for one of the edgiest and funniest comedy shows you?ll ever see when Paul performs live at The Basement.

Paul?s first DVD Fearless is the biggest comedy release in Queensland and will be on sale at the show.

We'll meet HERE outside the Gold Coast Arts Centre next to the cafe. Please be there at least 15 minutes before or earlier. More info here

Seating is RESERVED only and will be marked, so Transfer tour money in advance for your our own ticket. Turning up for the even does not guarantee your admission. You are responsible for your own ticket/s payment in advance.

After the show, you are on your own. leave anytime you like.

I think I have covered confused

I am excited ..are you? Can't wait!

GMF Organiser
Executive Producer

WARNING: Those who are sensitive to be offended by swear words, no matter how they are used need not to attend. Music payed before the show, during breaks and after may be loud to some members. Conversation can be difficult at most times.

IMPORTANT: As far as comedy is concerned, no one is suggesting that every show should be riddled with swear words, but when they are used, they should be used sparingly and appropriately and timed to perfection in order to elicit maximum audience reaction. I surely take no responsibility to your sensitivity or your level of humor. Please be warned!

NOTE: Please note that I am not advising anyone to bring their SLR's nor I am suggesting you shouldn't. If you do so, please check with the Basement first. Phone Box Office on[masked]

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