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Reminder! Sun, 5/18: VEGGIEs Unite for our PRIDE PARADE!

From: Robyn
Sent on: Tuesday, May 13, 2008, 4:40 PM
May 18, 2008
Greenwich Village, NYC


The First Veggie Pride Parade in America will take place in Greenwich Village, New York City, on May 18, 2008.

The procession will begin at 12 Noon in the Old Meat District (where 9th Ave., Gansevoort St., Greenwich St., and Little West 12th St. intersect).

The parade will culminate in Washington Square Park (Eastern end), where a festival of rock music, speakers, and exhibitors will take place.

Parade participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes and to wear sign boards announcing their pride in their vegetarian lifestyle. Local restaurants and vegetarian groups will be representing themselves with banners and chants. Individually, one may be an animal-rights activist, another, an environmentalist, another, a person simply concerned with his or her health. But on May 18, 2008, all will come together with one voice, one expression, of veggie pride.

The procession will begin at 12 Noon in the Old Meat District (where 9th Ave., Gansevoort St., Greenwich St., and Little West 12th St. intersect). It will culminate in Washington Square Park (Eastern end), where a festival of rock music (the Cheryl Hill Band), speakers, and exhibitors will take place.

* At 2 p.m. the winners of a costume and poster-slogan contest in various categories will be announced on stage.
* At 4:00 p.m., a 7-foot-tall human pea pod will marry PeTA's Chris P. Carrot.

Organizer Pamela Rice believes that with this parade, "vegetarians will be just a little less invisible, their lifestyle just a little more tenable, and the misconceptions about vegetarianism just a little less pronounced. I'm hoping," Ms. Rice said, "that at this event people will amazed to see all the culture that vegetarians have been creating in recent years."

The U.S.-based parade was inspired by, but is not affiliated with, the Veggie Pride Parade in Paris. The Parisian parade was the first of its kind ever to take place in the world and has been going on annually since 2001.

People can visit for more information about every aspect of the event.

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