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New Meetup: Los Angleles Seth meetup- End of August Meeting

From: Gregory
Sent on: Thursday, August 19, 2010, 10:42 PM
Announcing the end of August Meetup for The Los Angeles Seth Material Meetup Group!

What: End of August Meetup

When: Tuesday, August 31,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Home of gjoseph
4012 1/2 W 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90005

The Los Angeles SETH Meet Up Group has expanded to twice a month. It will take place the 15th of every month and the last day of each month.

This group is focused on understanding the information from Seth and applying it to our daily lives.

You do not need to be a Seth expert and the only requirement is that you are currently reading a
Seth book.

7:30pm to 8:00pm- Social half hour. Get to know and network with other Seth readers.

8:00pm to 9:00pm- A more formal group setting.
-We have history of going beyond 9pm for those who want to stay-

(At this gathering we will look at some of the basic concepts and principles from the "Seth Speaks" book. Also during the meet-up we will provide the opportunity for the Universe to dictate a "wild card" reading from a Jane / Seth book passage for us to explore.)

Coffee, teas, juice and soft drinks are provided. (You are welcome to bring food to share with the group but it is not required.)

**There is no official cost to attend and we accept donations of any amount to help offset the cost to list the group on the Meet-up website and also to cover the cost of the food and drinks. Any amount is welcomed from $1.00 to 1,000,000,000.00.**

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