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New Meetup: Tokyo Contemporary Art Gallery Hopping in Nihombashi, Kyobashi, and Ginza

From: Arthur H
Sent on: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 9:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Tokyo Museum Meetup Group!

What: Tokyo Contemporary Art Gallery Hopping in Nihombashi, Kyobashi, and Ginza

When: Saturday, December 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Kayabacho Station
Exit 7

For this December's Tokyo Contemporary Art Gallery Hopping Meetup, we will visit a variety of contemporary art galleries in Nihonbashi, Kyobashi, and Ginza. I have been to some of these galleries, but there are some galleries that I will also be visiting for the first time. We will start at Base Gallery and work our way through the neighborhood to visit six different galleries. Be sure to wear warm layers and comfortable walking shoes as we will be wandering by foot from gallery to gallery!

As with the previous Gallery Hopping Meetups, I?ve done my best to give you a brief description of the shows we will be seeing.

Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010
Location: Outside of Kayabacho Station, Exit 7
Time: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Admission Fee: Free

Base Gallery - Minako Abe

From Base Gallery: She imports images of landscape into a computer, then twists and skews those images when she transfers them onto a canvas. She does not use a brush, but a roller.

Galerie Sho - Adam Parker Smith

From Galerie Sho: Throughout his multi-disciplinary practice in a humorous approach, he confronted major social-political issues mixed with more mundane opinions on simple everyday differences in routine and social mundane.

Zeit Foto Salon - Makiko Koie

From Tokyo Art Beat: Showcases photos of crowds that capture the vibrant beauty and dynamism of these throngs of people, rather than their dull, monotonous collectivity.

INAX Gallery 1 & 2 - Chinatsu Shimodaira and Hitomi Sugimoto

From Tokyo Art Beat: Shimodaira's works often display a starting point from which everything else expands. On display is an installation made out of rubber bands that occupies the entire space. And ceramic works featuring natural motifs by 24 year old artist Hitomi Sugimoto, a graduate of the Osaka University of Arts.

Nichido Contemporary Art ? nca collection

A group show of artists from Nichido Contemporary Art

Gallery Koyanagi - Ryoji Ikeda

From Tokyo Art Beat: New video installations and 2D works that tackle the relationship between sound and time by Japan's foremost electronic music artist

Chat Session After Gallery Hopping:

We will end up near Ginza-Itchome Station and have coffee and light snacks for the usual Museum Meetup chat session.

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